I found by trial and error how to best preserve and dry the leaves, and if you contact me I'll send a small sample out for you to try. You pay postage/courier and the cost of a thick envelope and I'll send you a half dozen to experiment with.
I've used black peppercorns, salt, and syzigium leaves to pickle beetroot, and the flavour is quite unique, and very Australian.
And yes, I've checked bush food analyses on government websites and they unanimously say the leaves are safe and have not been found to contain any toxic alkaloids or anything nasty. They do impart a bitter flavour if you use too many and/or they aren't prepared properly. But as I said I've found the way to prep them and the first batch has seen steady use here in marinades, pickles, and cooked in various meals instead of bay leaves. It's unbeatable in anything with kangaroo, too...
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