Tuesday 17 February 2009

Simon's Seafood Restaurant Has "Unqualified" Diners

I'll make my comment on Simon's Seafood Restaurant treatment of diner complaints and say that I will not be dining there now, either. Word of mouth has removed any desire on my part to see the inside of Simon's.

I say of Mr Ferrante that his actions in abusing a diner have not endeared him to myself - nor probably to anyone else reading that article.  Mr Ferrante, I may not be a "qualified" person in your eyes but I bet I've dined at more places than you've personally served meals at, and I will now not be dining at yours because I'm afraid that I won't measure up to your exacting standards of a "qualified" diner.

Quite frankly, your extremely vain and quite rude display of poor manners has not stood you well in my opinion.  And while I may not be "qualified" as you so smugly put it, I'm now one of the people that in future WON'T be putting $100 in your pocket for a seafood platter nor indeed for any other meal.  Along with everyone reading that news article, that's a sizeable chunk of Perth's loose pocket change you've just alienated.

I will also add that only twice in over 25 years living in Perth have I ever had experiences similar to that described in that article, and both of those places went out of business in under four months - not from my words or actions, but from the poor word of mouth they received generally - because obviously my dining companions and I weren't the only ones abused and/or dismayed.  You still have time to make good Mr Ferrante, but once you start something like this you'll find it difficult to repair.  It's a slippery slope you have started down...

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